Serving The Planet

MPT – Webinar FOREX killer

Chief Operations Officer MPT Belgie & ervaren trader, Sven Lefeber, zal vanavond 20:00 weer een bewezen succesvolle trading strategie bespreken.

Webinar FOREX killer
On Monday, August 11th, we will do a webinar on the subject of the forex Killer trading software.

As traders, our emotions are our worst enemies while trading the Forex market. This is one of the reasons why people still find it difficult to make a profit with proven strategies.

The Forex Killer software can help you to exclude some of these emotions, since the signals are being delivered automatically. Of course, how to interpret the results of the calculations, and how to trade them, is you choice, so human intervention is still needed. We will explain how you can use the forex Killer in the next webinar.

In order to be able to follow the webinar, you should purchase the software yourself, and install it on your computer. This is the link :
>br/> The software needs input (the closing prices of the last 10 candlesticks). you can do this manually, or you can export these prices from the Metatrader4 platform. This is free software to download, and very helpfull. We will show how to import the data from the Metatrader4.

Language: English
Moderator: Sven Lefeber
Session number: 390144
Time: 20.00 CET

Click here to download the required software

Best regards,
My Private Trade

About Earnie Rhyker

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