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Search results for "crypto"

John McAfee LIVE & Unsensored! Talking about past, present and future of lifehacking and CryptoCurrency!

John McAfee LIVE & Uncensored! Talking about lifehacking and CryptoCurrency (including Top 3 Privacy Coins for 2018)

This is — without a shadow of doubt — the most honest, uncensored, badass interview … just listen!    Couple of Tweets that might interest you too … Bitcoin now at $16,600.00. Those of you in the old school who believe this is a bubble simply have not understood the new mathematics of the […]

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[NL] CryptoCurrency Uitdager Gezocht

Het zal deze en gene niet ontgaan zijn, dat ik (weer) erg actief ben in diverse Nederlandstalige FB cryptocurrency communities en ongenuanceerd kennis uitwissel. De laatste keer dat ik dat deed in 2014, waren daar specifieke redenen voor. Misschien dit keer ook? De koers van Bitcoins mag dan namelijk snel gestegen zijn in het laatste […]

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[NL] Passief Geld Verdienen met Bitcoin? Stappenplan voor 100% Crypto Currency Ponzi / Piramide Oplichting

Inleiding Zo! Het is vandaag 24 november 2016. En wil graag met terugwerkende kracht iets met je delen op mijn blog, want het virtuele kwartje valt nogsteeds niet bij deze en gene. Dus bij deze hieronder de copy/paste van een berichtje wat ik oorspronkelijke deelde op mijn tijdlijn op 7 september 2016. Opmerking: dit keer met iets […]

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BiTCoin and other Crypto Currencies

[promote_links] If you're brand new to Bitcoin the 3 short videos below will get you up to speed fast. Then follow our step by step guide to create your free Bitcoin account at Coinbase (link to 2nd tab). introductionCoinBaseBiTClub NetworkBTCjamGenesisMPCAEthTradeintroduction There's no shortage of crypto currency opportunities in 2016. Problem is, most of them are [...]
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Build Your Own Crypto Currency (i.e. LiteCoin) GPU miner computer rig: February 2014

This article caused quite the stir with other crypto currency miners. As I concluded that mining digital coins with a Computer is a “no go”. Which is correct if you’re mining Bitcoins; it’s complexity of mining is increasing. To make the investment in ASIC mining equipment pay for it self you have to get at least […]

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My Dutch / NL WordPress Translation contributions: April 2022

Again no lengthly introductions to this post this month. However just in case you like to know why I (keep) doing translations? Checkout my reasoning of February 2022 and/or Translated Plugins Divided into several categories. Some below are still a work in progress, but will be 100% translated before the end of the month. Due […]

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