Serving The Planet

Archive | Bookshelf


Stop paying attention to dreams. They don’t mean anything and ur waisting …

With my renewed enthusiasm to start blogging, and how we all know that things tend to get lost on FaceBook timelines. I feel the need to share this with everybody with regards to a response I got in a chat conversation with somebody I hold dear on the 6th of December 2015. Dreams and Visions […]

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The Laptop Millionaire: How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online

Been referring to this book many times already, but never written a blogpost about it! I got it as a gift last year by Arthur Fedder. How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online Go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in 28 days and discover financial freedom online! Every day […]

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Bob Proctor’s Success Series

While cleaning up my closet a week ago I found a few audio book CDs that Tony Carter was so kind to lend to me 2 years ago. Who? That same guy (colleague of mine) that introduced me to “The Secret”, when barely anyone knew about it’s existence at the end of 2006. Anyway … […]

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Jeff Olsen – The slight Edge

Jeff Olsen wrote a book called “The slight edge”. It’s about “The simple daily disciplines compounded over time” that bring you great discomfort or great success. I would like to thank for bringing me this delightful insight: I’m definitely going to buy the book! Spotted the book on (not for sale on […]

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[NL] Meet the real creator – You

Mijn nieuwe motto luidt:”Never try to understand a woman, better study quantum physics”. Om dat kracht bij te zetten heb ik mijzelf verblijd met het audiobook “Meet the real creator – You” van Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, ook wel Dr. Quantum genoemd. Klinkt nogsteeds niet bekend? De weirdo professor welke zowel figureerd in “What the […]

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The Mystery Method

Je buik nog niet vol van vrouwen? En niet zo’n zin in het bestuderen van quantum mechanica?  The Mystery Method is a complete system of social dynamics that allows men to meet, attract, and build relationships with women of exceptional quality. Mystery and his associates learned this from the ground up, by testing hundreds of […]

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