Serving The Planet

Search results for "outsourcing"


New TeamBuilder Launch

At the 28th of September 2016 I released this document. Today I can share with you, that with everything I’ve done over the past 342 hours — coding, negotations, brainstorming with CEOs of multiple companies, heck I’ve even been working on stuff during my sleep, so make that 456 hours — there is going to […]

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Options4All Mission Update for 2016 Update 26Jan16 (as featured on the just re-uploaded Options4All trailer vid): What is and (going to be) about? Well that depends when you are ‘eyeballing’ this information, or might have heard about it before. As the idea of Options4All goes back way further than 2013. In 2008 I build my ‘tell-a-few’ website which […]

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What If … Options4All Can Become a Reality after All in 2016 ?

Introduction Hi there! Depending on when you first visited this website in the past 3 years? A LOT has changed. And it all based on 1 thought … What is your Idea to Change the World ? What If … … we could leave something behind before ‘kicking the bucket’ based on a  ‘tell-a-few’ idea […]

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Earn With Earnie
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