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Archive | Science

John McAfee LIVE & Unsensored! Talking about past, present and future of lifehacking and CryptoCurrency!

John McAfee LIVE & Uncensored! Talking about lifehacking and CryptoCurrency (including Top 3 Privacy Coins for 2018)

This is — without a shadow of doubt — the most honest, uncensored, badass interview … just listen!    Couple of Tweets that might interest you too … Bitcoin now at $16,600.00. Those of you in the old school who believe this is a bubble simply have not understood the new mathematics of the […]

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What If … Options4All Can Become a Reality after All in 2016 ?

Introduction Hi there! Depending on when you first visited this website in the past 3 years? A LOT has changed. And it all based on 1 thought … What is your Idea to Change the World ? What If … … we could leave something behind before ‘kicking the bucket’ based on a  ‘tell-a-few’ idea […]

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[NL] Hoe behaal je de meeste winst met Bitcoin en Litecoin?

[NL] Wat is Bitcoin Nu Precies ? Uitleg in het Nederlands / Dutch. De basis in 6 minuten.

Je hebt vast dit filmpje over Bitcoin al eens gezien uit 2011? Nee? dan toch wel deze uit 2013? Leuk! Maar wat is het nu écht precies? En waarom kan dat niet kort worden uitgelegd Nederlands? Ja dat kan dus wel! Hieronder: Wat is Bitcoin (uitgebreide en actuele uitleg) Beeldkwaliteit is matig, maar de uitleg […]

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How to Build Your Own Bitcoin ASIC miner USB farm

Early 2014 — after much debate — I decided to become a co-founder of a new project called Bitcoin-Economy. Not that I needed another project or e-learning course, but getting paid to learn about something that’s an extension of what I’ve been interested about for a while? But this article is about something else … As I’m […]

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[Infographic] What Happens In An Internet Minute?

  Source: Are you going to waste another minute? Or are you going to opt-in to learn how you can capatilise on the Internet? Related posts: John McAfee LIVE & Uncensored! Talking about lifehacking and CryptoCurrency (including Top 3 Privacy Coins for 2018)

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