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Search results for "linux"


Linux ALSA sound stopped working :-/

I’ve had this problem a few times now. For a very odd reason, my sounds stops working. Restarting ‘alsa-utils’ won’t help. The only thing that did seem to help is rebooting. But hello … that’s such a ‘windows solution’! The proper way to go about it is: Open a terminal. Type: “sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop” and press […]

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Creating Music in Linux: MIDI, Soft Synts & Sequencing with VSTs

Once upon a time … I used to be fanatic on creating digital music. Although that’s all in the past, technology wise I’m still interested what’s available.   to be continued … (when I have more time … not now) Resources used to compile the list:

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TiMiDitY MOD Player & Audio for Linux

TiMidity++, originally and still frequently informally called TiMidity, is a software synthesizer that can play MIDI files without a hardware synthesizer. It can either render to the sound card in real time, or it can save the result to a file, such as a PCM .wav file. TiMidity++ primarily runs under Linux and Unix-like operating systems. Feature […]

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Getting a Logitech C200 webcam to work in Linux

My Logitech C200 (el cheapo) webcam is detected in Linux, but it doesn’t seem to work. So let’s dig a little deeper. The built-in Mic works in the Skype test calls, but I don’t get a visual, neither do I see anything — except a white page — in Flash. Yet it seems properly detected […]

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Skype for Linux Realtek Audio HD ALC888 Mic SOLUTION

Does your sound playback works, but can’t get your mic to work in Skype for Linux? The solution is rather straight forward. For some reason the capture devices in the ALSA sound mixer are muted by default. Easy to fix (if you know how): Open Mixer Press button “Select Controls” Check “Capture 1” and “Capture […]

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