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My Virtual Office Space: *FEAST* Mode 2018 Update with Enterprise Graded Gear

Been a while I wrote a “My Virtual Office Space”-update as extensive as I will now. note: updating regurarly. My Office Space introduction Although I featured the basic hardware specifications in this picture (from a different angle) on my FaceBook timeline already. Let’s dive a little deeper why I’m not unhappy with my curent hardware […]

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English Auto Blogging / PowerToolSubmitter for Mac – Installation Instructions

Quicklink to this howto @ Google Docs: What do you need, to get ENPTS (EN-PowerToolSubmitter) working on a Mac? Well … only 3 things, but Mac users are usually not ‘techies’. The challenge lays into the fact that ENPTS is Windows software. And a Mac is … a Mac. So it cannot run Windows […]

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