Serving The Planet

Archive | Cloud Computing


Top 5 Patchmanagement Cloud Software solutions for IT system managers to Patch and Deploy Apps

I’m calling it top 5, however there might be more software solutions add over time. Patchmanagement software solutions Currently I have found 4 matching my needs. Avast Business Hub No list found yet.   Ninite Pro Applist: Excellent pricing model: < $1mo per computer PatchMyPC TeamViewer Software catalog TeamViewer RMM: … Comparison […]

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F*CK !!! public_html/megla.txt – “hacked by megla akash from Team_CC” – TROUBLESHOOT

Funny timing for this to happen As I was ‘bragging’ just a couple of days ago, how my projects and servers are supposedly super secure in an article around bitcoin and cryptography, that I will link from ASAP (still has to be published). Well, turns out I make mistakes too. Upz. On the upside, I […]

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[NL] 7 redenen waarom ‘Bitcoin Mining’ via je Chrome Browser totaal kansloos is …

Ah gossie … werd (weer) eens ongevraagd toegevoegd in een FB groepsgesprek met de laatste ‘innovatie’ in bitcoin mining via je browser d.m.v. iets wat heet cryptotab. Hier mijn 7 reden waarom je er niet aan wilt beginnen. 7 redenen waarom Chrome Browser mining totaal kansloos is Copy/paste van hoe ik net exact deelde in die […]

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