Serving The Planet

Archive | Plugins


F*CK !!! public_html/megla.txt – “hacked by megla akash from Team_CC” – TROUBLESHOOT

Funny timing for this to happen As I was ‘bragging’ just a couple of days ago, how my projects and servers are supposedly super secure in an article around bitcoin and cryptography, that I will link from ASAP (still has to be published). Well, turns out I make mistakes too. Upz. On the upside, I […]

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‘IC OverDrive’ Plugin Changelog

Introduction what ‘IC OverDrive’ is about … I’ve been connecting / interfacing systems for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t unti 1st week of February 2016 when — after many years of interfacing with WordPress database directly — decided to start developing … My 1st WordPress Plugin!   Frequently Asked Questions about […]

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Earn With Earnie
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