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Search results for "seo"


Blackhat SEO Redirect Trick

I’m pretty sure I wrote about this before, but can’t hurt to share it again  Blackhat SEO Redirect Trick If you’re ever going to move the contents of site to elsewhere? You do NOT want all the ‘link juice’ to disappear from Google overtime. Most of us spend a fortune on getting ranked, and then for […]

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No … not Chief Executive Officer, but Search Engine Optimilisation. A very hot topic for years. I’ve did some research on this before, but I would like to share my experiences too … as a newbie though. An excellent starting point is: While browsing the web, there are basically 2 all-in-one options:   IPB: […]

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Options4All Mission Update for 2016 Update 26Jan16 (as featured on the just re-uploaded Options4All trailer vid): What is and (going to be) about? Well that depends when you are ‘eyeballing’ this information, or might have heard about it before. As the idea of Options4All goes back way further than 2013. In 2008 I build my ‘tell-a-few’ website which […]

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The Best (Top 25?) Video and Image Creation Tools All-in-1 place!

I just joined a supercool new video professional group on FaceBook: and I posted this as a response to my warm welcome message:  Just read the ‘mission statement’. Adding Value? Oh goody that’s my middle name! Or could be Heya all I’m a pro nerd. Have a lot of mad skill in all kinds of […]

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Is there a Permanent Solution to WordPress “500 Internal Server Error” Deja Vu or just a Quick Fix ?

Right … Deja Vu This is exactly what went wrong at CycleClubMembers too. Which was the project that Options4All merged into during October 2015. And it was 1 of these problems (and a couple of others mentioned here), that made me decide to pull the plug on it. And focus on income producting activities instead. But […]

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