Serving The Planet

Archive | Hackintosh


My Virtual Office Space: *FEAST* Mode 2018 Update with Enterprise Graded Gear

Been a while I wrote a “My Virtual Office Space”-update as extensive as I will now. note: updating regurarly. My Office Space introduction Although I featured the basic hardware specifications in this picture (from a different angle) on my FaceBook timeline already. Let’s dive a little deeper why I’m not unhappy with my curent hardware […]

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Rhyker’s Apple iMac / Mac Pro Hackintosh Requirements for July 2014

Okay … so here’s the situation. I love my Delll “Dinosaur” model D630 with 256GB Solid State Disk. Everytthing you ‘ve seen so far was developed with it. Including: www.DigitalNomad.Pro EKPC.NL But the really cool stuff? Like this movie: was developed wtih Adobe After Effects.  And yes that was developed on the D630 […]

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[NL] Hackintosh (Mac OSX op PC hardware) laten samenstellen?

‘Hackintosh’ is een samenvoeging van Apple Macintosh en ‘Hacking’   Waarom is dit interessant? Once you go Mac, you never go back! Introductie Het Apple besturingssysteem; Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks is het beste besturingssysteem wat er is (om met Steve Jobs woorden te spreken). Voordelen vanuit eindgebruikers opzicht gezien: virus vrij (dus ook geen virus scanner nodig), […]

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English Auto Blogging / PowerToolSubmitter for Mac – Installation Instructions

Quicklink to this howto @ Google Docs: What do you need, to get ENPTS (EN-PowerToolSubmitter) working on a Mac? Well … only 3 things, but Mac users are usually not ‘techies’. The challenge lays into the fact that ENPTS is Windows software. And a Mac is … a Mac. So it cannot run Windows […]

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