Serving The Planet

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[NL] Wat als je plan A faalt?

  Exact vijf jaar geleden — in het 4e kwartaal van 2016 — was dit het vooraanzicht van een compleet nieuw gebouwde teambuilding website met o.a. deze 7 leden voordelen: ✅ eigen gratis e-learning omgeving ✅ 100% Nederlandse community ✅ automatische en passieve crypto ✅ meerdere bronnen van inkomsten ✅ iedere link te personaliseren ✅ […]

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F*CK !!! public_html/megla.txt – “hacked by megla akash from Team_CC” – TROUBLESHOOT

Funny timing for this to happen As I was ‘bragging’ just a couple of days ago, how my projects and servers are supposedly super secure in an article around bitcoin and cryptography, that I will link from ASAP (still has to be published). Well, turns out I make mistakes too. Upz. On the upside, I […]

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FREE signups in your IC business

based on: DO NOT PUBLISH THIS YET! BOOMMMM! Next doc. And yes … I know we have teamsite, but that’s still in the works. And till then? Going to use FB docs as well as PDF files (, cause it allows me to quickly jot down a couple of things and thoughts using a very ‘informal’ style […]

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‘IC OverDrive’ Plugin Changelog

Introduction what ‘IC OverDrive’ is about … I’ve been connecting / interfacing systems for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t unti 1st week of February 2016 when — after many years of interfacing with WordPress database directly — decided to start developing … My 1st WordPress Plugin!   Frequently Asked Questions about […]

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How to build a business with PDF files

I recently had a sneak peek into the ‘kitchen’ of a couple of mega successful leaders in our downline. People that have the kind of results many of us (including myself) dream about when it comes to simplicity, duplication, etc. And it got me an idea that I like to share with you. But let’s […]

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Earn With Earnie
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