Serving The Planet

Archive | Teambuilder news


F*CK !!! public_html/megla.txt – “hacked by megla akash from Team_CC” – TROUBLESHOOT

Funny timing for this to happen As I was ‘bragging’ just a couple of days ago, how my projects and servers are supposedly super secure in an article around bitcoin and cryptography, that I will link from ASAP (still has to be published). Well, turns out I make mistakes too. Upz. On the upside, I […]

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Review: Stiforp Generic LeadCapture Page with unlimited autoresponder Leads Magnet System

As just shared earlier today on my FaceBook timeline after getting several questions, like: What autoresponder and leadcapture page system do you use?  Stiforp’s Leadcapture Page Features Review Short answer? See: Features & training that rival everything in the online space! mega easy to setup! all-in-one solution Message sharecodes / replication great and easy to […]

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It is Time to Go Pro; Why we Have a Better Way with … DCC !

As just shared on my Facebook Profile: and ‘promised’ to blog out it So you might reading it twice, as I just spend some time on installing another super neat tool. Anyway let me first share the blogpost and pay special attention to the end of this article! Why we have a better way […]

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What If … Options4All Can Become a Reality after All in 2016 ?

Introduction Hi there! Depending on when you first visited this website in the past 3 years? A LOT has changed. And it all based on 1 thought … What is your Idea to Change the World ? What If … … we could leave something behind before ‘kicking the bucket’ based on a  ‘tell-a-few’ idea […]

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Earn With Earnie
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