Serving The Planet

What is a Viral Blogging System?

A seasoned or budding business can never have too many clients and can always benefit from advanced forms of marketing. Leveraging the power of a viral blogging system is one of the quickest ways to increase business exposure. Whether you are seeking to get more exposure for your ideas, your brand, or your website, utilizing this progressing concept will significantly contribute your growth.

What is a viral blogging system?

This article will cover what a viral blog is and how they help you get higher rankings in the search engines.


A viral blog platform leverages the power of community blogging. Community blogging is when a collection of writers are all posting content on the same blogging platform, using the same domain name. The central purpose of viral blogging is to help bloggers, Internet marketers, affiliate marketers, and other e-commerce businesses adequately and rapidly advertise their products or services online. Traditional brick and mortar businesses can also leverage the power of a viral blog to promote their products or services locally, or to expand and reach a global audience.

Blogging platforms

There are several blogging platforms that have a viral blogging model; however they vary in structure and usability. Some platforms require in depth technical abilities that many users find difficult to set-up. Other systems are ready-made and require little to no set-up. Utilizing a viral blog may be a good option if you are new to the blogging and Internet marketing arena. Depending on the blogging platform you choose, nearly all technical set-up is eliminated which allows you to simply sign-up and begin blogging.


Other benefits of a viral blogging system include leveraging the power of domain recognition and authority. When a person comes online and starts a new blog, it normally takes them a while to start receiving traffic to their website. This is because their new domain name has no seniority or authority in the search engines. A new blogger would have to consistently post to their blog for at least ninety days to begin receiving their first streams of search engine traffic. To begin to get significant blog traffic, they would have to post consistently for six months to a year while doing an extensive amount of back-linking to gain site authority. This can prove to be an extreme amount of work for a new blogger and usually results in the person quitting.

Search Engines

A viral blogging platform already has the authority of a seasoned domain name and naturally has recognition in the search engines. Its authority comes from a large number of backlinks, as a result of its many users, and the domain age. Whenever a person blogs on the platform using a specific keyword, it will quickly get ranked and indexed in the search engines – in some cases within twenty-four hours. On a new blog, it could take three weeks to a month for content to be ranked, and even longer to make it onto the first page of the search results.

Quick and Easy

This is exhibits the power of a viral blogging system. Getting content to rank on the first page of search engines is quicker and easier. The more users you blog on the platform the more authority and ranking power the domain has. Thus, the more traffic you will receive. This is basically applying the old phrase two heads are better than one, or in this case, thousands of bloggers on the same domain, is better than one blogger on one domain.


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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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