Serving The Planet

My Dutch / NL WordPress Translation contributions: February 2022

Didn’t I write last month, I was going to quit with my part-time Dutch / NL contributions to the WordPress polyglot team?

My Contributions

However …

.. as it continously turns out, it does bring a certain level of my peace and tranquility back, after a hard day’s work in my DevOps brain; aka makes me zen! AND it’s the quickest way to leave a global impact to others; as literally thousands upon thousands of people are benefiting from. my efforts.

Update Feb22: PLUS getting rewarded again through bartering agreements for FREE upgrades to Premium / PRO plugins; nice! A dollar saved equals a dolllar earned; thus time well spend!

My Dutch translations February 2022

For all my translations, see:

This month have a strong focus on LearnDash related plugin.

So with prior in mind? Lets start ..

NEW Translated LearnDash related plugins

Adaptive Learning With LearnDash

Design Upgrade for LearnDash


Translated WooCommerce plugins

Direct Checkout for WooCommerce

Paid Memberships Pro – WooCommerce Add On

TI WooCommerce Wishlist

Advanced Woo Search

Disable WooCommerce Bloat


Translated Gamification & Membership plugins

myCred Paid Memberships Pro

Connect Paid Memberships Pro to Discord

Download Monitor

Download Monitor – EDD Compatibility


Translated WP Cybersecurity / infosec plugins

Stop User Enumeration


Other / unsorted NL translated plugins

WP YouTube Lyte

Copy Anything to Clipboard

Aquila Admin Theme

Strong Testimonials


Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools

Simple Blog Stats

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat
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Communities I have been 'hanging out' regularly over the past two decades. 

Note: links go to my profile on those respective sites. Connect with me if you like.


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